Inevitably we will all face impossible situations in our lives. Heavy matters will weigh upon us, and despite all our best efforts, solving our dilemmas will seem hopeless.
There is a story from days of old of an occurrence in the life of the prophet Elisha. He was accompanying friends, sons of the prophets, as they cut down trees for beams to build a dwelling place. As one of the men chopped, his axe head came loose and fell into the nearby water. He was especially dismayed because the axe head was borrowed. As a man of God, he felt that having borrowed something to do God's work , his losing it would put the name of His God at the risk of being dishonored. His "Alas!" came to Elisha's ears, and what did God do? He prompted His servant Elisha to toss a stick into the water just above where the axe head had sunk, and the account reads "the iron did swim" (II Kings 6:6). This God who can make iron rise to the surface of water and float is our God!
There is a story from days of old of an occurrence in the life of the prophet Elisha. He was accompanying friends, sons of the prophets, as they cut down trees for beams to build a dwelling place. As one of the men chopped, his axe head came loose and fell into the nearby water. He was especially dismayed because the axe head was borrowed. As a man of God, he felt that having borrowed something to do God's work , his losing it would put the name of His God at the risk of being dishonored. His "Alas!" came to Elisha's ears, and what did God do? He prompted His servant Elisha to toss a stick into the water just above where the axe head had sunk, and the account reads "the iron did swim" (II Kings 6:6). This God who can make iron rise to the surface of water and float is our God!